Dear colleagues, dear friends,
After the unfortunate cancellation of the date in Geneva, I have the great pleasure on behalf of the Swiss Society of Addiction Medicine (SSAM) to welcome you the 24 June 2022 in Bern to the 8th SWISS ADDICTION RESEARCH DAY. This event is not only a welcome opportunity to exchange ideas in person after months of isolation due to the pandemic, but also an opportunity to get an overview of some current scientific developments in the field of addiction. For this year, a focus topic has emerged that has a certain tradition in Switzerland: research on psychedelics.
The SWISS ADDICTION RESEARCH DAY will take place in the house of «Zum Äusseren Stand», Zeughausgasse 17, 3011 Bern on 24 June 2022.
Traditionally, the RESEARCH DAY of the SSAM has afforded an opportunity to honour superior accomplishments in the field of addiction research. For the sixth time, the Swiss Addiction Research Award (SARDA) will be handed over on the occasion of our research day to excellent scientists in order to honor their outstanding performance.
I would therefore like to welcome you to Bern
Daniele Zullino
9h30 – 10h00
Welcome coffee
10h00 – 10h05
10h05 – 10h20
Federico Seragnoli, Geneva University Hospital, Division of Addiction Medecine
Protocole presentation: Psychedelic Relaunch of Diaphin Assisted Treatment: a randomised, double-blind, active-placebo controlled phase II study
10h20 – 10h35
Clément Ciccone, CHUV, Department of Psychiatry
Psychedelics use among young men with unhealthy alcohol use : Is there an association with future drinking outcomes ?
10h35 – 10h50
Lousiana Deligianni, CHUV, Service de Médecine des Addictions
Altered States of Consciousness in a cohort of young Swiss men: associations with substance use and personality traits
10h50 – 11h05
10h05 – 11h20
Caroline Schmitt-Koopmann, CHUV, Service de Médecine des Addictions
Switzerland’s narcotics regulation jungle – OAT and off-label use in the Romandie
11h20 – 11h35
Maximilian Meyer, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
An observational study on nasal diacetylmorphine treatment – preliminary results
11h35 – 11h50
Anna-Chiara Schaub, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
Brain changes in opioid-dependent subjects after prolonged diacetylmorphine treatment: 9 years of observation
12h00 – 13h00
Lunch break
13h00 – 13h15
Sara L. Kroll, Department of Psychiatry, University of Zurich
Chronic cocaine users show altered glucocorticoid and endocannabinoid levels in hair
13h15 – 13h30
Francesco Bavato, Department of Psychiatry, University of Zurich
Neurofilament light chain as a novel blood marker of substance-related brain pathology : a longitudinal investigation in chronic cocaine users
13h30 – 13h45
Franciska Brezan, Arud Centres for Addiction Medicine
Prolonged dam-take-home in times of covid-19: harm reduction or increase?
13h45 – 14h00
Maximilian Meyer, University Psychiatric Clinics Basel
Exploring why patients in heroin‑assisted treatment are getting incarcerated – a qualitative study
Vanessa Fleury, Geneva University Hospital, Department of Neurology
Dopamine and Heroin: Clinical and imaging evidence for a common final path to addiction
14h15 – 14h30
14h30 – 15h00
Date and location
The Swiss Addiction Research Day will take place in the house of «Zum Äusseren Stand», Zeughausgasse 17, 3011 Bern on 24 June 2022
Recognition of training credits
- 4 pts of training credits for Psychiatry
- 4 pts of SSAM specialty training credits in addiction psychiatry
Swiss Addiction Research Award
The Swiss Society of Addiction Medicine (SSAM) will award a research prize for valuable scientific work in the field of addiction research from Switzerland. The award will honour outstanding contributions based on their scientific value, originality, and innovation.
The prize money is 5,000 CHF and and it will be shared between a maximum of three researchers. The recipient/s will be invited to present his or her research at that year’s Conference.
The Swiss Addiction Research Award will be presented at the Swiss Addiction Day, which will take place on the 24.06.2022.
The prize can be awarded to studies from within Switzerland, that are published in German, French or English, no earlier than 2 years before the submission date or that have been accepted for printing by an academic publisher no later than the submission date.
Papers should be submitted in the form of the following PDF documents (title page with author information, anonymized manuscript and short curriculum vitae of the first author) by 31.05.2022 to:
Sekretariat SSAM, Email: admin@ssam.ch